Friday, January 30, 2009

Sometimes you get what you wish for.

Tuesday morning started out to be a very grayish day. No sunshine, no contrast, just blah. Pointed my car in the direction of Story county to finish up some previous business. First stop, can you guess? Yup....half coffee with half pumpkin spice cappuccino. That always gets me jived for the day. As always, I am looking for that gem that even the gray day can't cover. Found this little gem in Kelley, IA. For those of you too young to remember, this particular item is a phone booth. Would have been fun to see how much it cost to make a call.

Notice the simplicity between the above phone booth and this smashing one which was taken during a trip to London last year.

For more information on this little used and antiquated device:

Next stop put me in the friendly little town of Gilbert, IA, that had a nice whimsical store on the Left Bank of main street. Love the periwinkle blue trim against the old red brick.

After leaving Gilbert, I pointed the car in the direction of Ames, IA, which some of you may know is not a small town but is home to the Cyclones of the Iowa State University, direct rivals of the Hawkeyes (U of I). Only reason I know this is you just can't help to know it if you live in IA. Fierce fans. Lots of discussions among the guys in my spinning class.

No pictures of Ames, but I will leave you with a mental image instead. I entered into the high school in Ames and was greeted with very well dressed and behaved students. I was impressed. The school itself was very nice and modern and inside I could hear overtures of Beethoven playing through the loudspeakers. Class act.


Thursday morning rolled around and, after consulting with my boss, it looks like Muscatine is on the agenda. Fiddled around with some email and snail mail and off I go into the great blue yonder. Armed with coffee/cappuccino, a few healthy snacks and a new audio book, I set out for the long drive. This audio book was just the ticket though. It was Sandra Brown "Play Dirty".

So where does the wishes come into play? Well, I'll get to that. As I entered the town my first reaction was total disappointment. I knew Muscatine was situation on the river, but my first view was strip malls, Walgreen's and Applebee's. I plugged a few addresses into my GPS and started out to the high school and a few gyms, and physical therapy clinics.

Since it had gotten long past lunch hour I pulled into a HyVee and grabbed a deli sandwich, and by that time I was long past hungry. Did I make a good choice?

It was delicious, all that pungent ripe blue cheese and roasted peppers. But once again, I let my stomach rule my head. Ut oh, my container of breath mints are all out. Will I never learn? How am I supposed to check in with customers smelling like I had just visited the local fromage shop.

What to do? Well for years and years I've been told how important it is to carry an emergency kit in your car. Bingo. I've listened well. Tucked into my glove compartment is my emergency kit.

Probably won't do me any good if I have a flat tire, but hey, at least my breath will be fresh when someone stops to help.

After visiting with prospective customers all day I am ready to go find those gems. I was given directions to the historical section by one of the receptionists at a physical therapy clinic. All I really needed to do though was point my car in the direction of the great Mississippi. Here are some shots taken along the river.

Looks like this boat got stuck in the ice:

And then some architectural beauties:

So what about wishes coming true you ask? Now for the rest of the story. I happened down a street that really caught my attention. A little background; I've recently taken up knitting. I used to do this when I was a young girl, but gave it up after I developed an interest in boys. Dropped those needles like a hot potato. Several years later I decided that all those beautiful yarns were just screaming at me to touch them. So I did and fell in love all over again. I still like boys but figure there can be room for two interests in my life.

Oh wow, I must admit I got a little bit excited when I saw this place. So I snapped a few pictures of the side building so I wouldn't forget where it was. How could I? Next door was a sweet shop featuring all sorts of yum-yums and Hill's paint store.

I walked inside to drool over the yarns and found myself in a middle of a charming group of women sitting around a table knitting and visiting together. I was immediately filled with longing to be a part of the group. Very friendly and inviting. I browsed around but bought nothing as I already have one project going on and still new to the craft.

I went home and thought some more about how I wished I could be in a group of knitters in my local area. So I did a Google search and almost came up empty. But finally found an article in our local paper that talked about a new shop that opened up in Cedar Falls, IA.
Imagine how excited I was to read that it was the very same shop opening up in my area. "The Crazy Girl Yarn Shop". Looking forward to stopping by and getting to know other knitters. Nice that wishes can come true.

Au Revoir

Friday, January 23, 2009

Lunch at the Hickory House, Ames, IA

Wow, today was a very special day. Got to have lunch with my boss at the Hickory House which is always a treat. That is, both seeing my boss and the lunch. For those of you who might be passing through Ames, IA, I highly recommend this place for a great meal of BBQ.

The setting is very nice, both inside and out. I loved the decor with the touch of Native American Indian. I used to see Cigar Indians when I was a kid and always thought they were pretty cool.

Anyway, today's write up is all about the food. Take a look and try not to drool all over your keyboard.

Since I arrived early I had a few minutes to peruse the menu and decided a cup of chili while I was waiting was just the ticket.

The chili was outstanding. Spicy but not 'burn your tonsils' too hot. Very meaty, and lots of beans. Oh, and the warm tortilla chips were a very nice touch.

I was just finishing my first course when my boss arrived. It was great to see him and I realized its been last October since we got together last. But alas, his phone started ringing almost immediately. And having forgotten his glasses he borrowed mine.

We both are about the same age and have noticed that our eyesight is not like it used to be. I thought the glasses were a good match for his shirt.

Anyway, on his advice I ordered the BBQ beef sami. The addition of coleslaw was suggested by the waiter. Thanks to a dear friend I knew all about adding coleslaw to the BBQ as this is how a lot of southerners take theirs. First time for my boss and he seemed to agree it was a great accompaniment to the tanginess of the BBQ. And, as always, mayo on my fries.

Just look at that feast. I ate every single last bite. Every last french fry. I am a member in good standing of the 'clean plate' club.

The waiter seemed very pleased with my hearty appetite and suggested that I might like a little dessert to round out the meal. Now keep in mind, I had already eaten a cup of chili, plus the sami and fries. Dessert, too? Why not.

My reward was an Almond Joy sundae. Deep dark chocolate sauce, almonds, coconut, and vanilla ice cream buried under a mound of whipped cream. Oh, and a little cookie to help push the last of the ice cream on to my spoon. Too good. I think I waddled out of there.

Here are a few more pictures of the interior.

Anyway, it was a great day, from start to finish. Hope each one of you can find the time to have a special meal shared with someone whose company you enjoy. Something to look forward to.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

Today was a day like no other as we welcomed in our new president, Barack Obama. I was headed to Hardin county with a few stops along the way. Weather was a bit chilly but still comfortable. Did my usual coffee run before starting the drive. Half cinnamon coffee with pumpkin spice cappuccino. No other treats today cause I am finding my jeans are getting just a wee bit too tight. I miss my workout buddy and it's starting to show.

As I am driving along the highways of IA, listening to the inauguration address, I pull into my first stop: Dike, IA.

"That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood........ Our economy is badly weakened, a consequence of greed and irresponsibility on the part of some, but also our collective failure to make hard choices and prepare the nation for a new age. Homes have been lost; jobs shed; businesses shuttered."

Along my stops I see the consequences of a weakened economy in the shape and form of empty storefronts. These downtown areas are only kept vibrant and alive by the efforts of small business owners and its patrons. When the jobs go, so to the shops and restaurants. People move on and the town closes its doors. Trickle down economics in reverse.

A little further up the road is a sweet little town called Applington. I have many fond memories of having tea with my best girlfriend at The Peppercorn Pantry. Delicious quiche or croissant sandwiches and soups, served on beautiful china and tables set with lace tablecloths, crystal candlesticks, and silver place settings. A wonderful experience.

And I am always on the hunt for treasures.

Here is another example of small town IA but exuding big time charm.

Just look at that winter coat. Beautiful morning to be a couple of horses. They look like best friends sharing a meal of macaroni and cheese flavored oats together.

A view of historic main street and the town square.

Ut oh, are there Shenanigans going on down the street?

Ah, the lovely Iowa Falls. Home to heroes and deep ditches. Notice the great view and angle taken of this sign.

Oops, I got a little bit too close to the edge. Knew it as soon as I did it by the slight tilt to my car. No amount of traction control was going to get me out of that one. Along came my hero in a pale yellow Blazer/Bronco SUV complete with towing chains. After a few attempts, I was finally on my way. Big thanks to him. He took off before I could properly thank him. Small town hero, but big time kindness.

This town has a lot of of gems including this Carnegie endowed building. Look!! The Eagle has landed.

After I finish working some business I head downtown where I can usually spot a beauty or two. No disappointment here. Check out the detail in this next building The Metropolitan. Another favorite for various reasons. Isn't it a beauty? It's the local downtown movie theater. Emmmm, I could almost smell the hot buttered corn permeating the air. Wonder if they have that good orange popcorn salt.

Ahhh...a cafe fit for a princess. Would be a wonderful place to take your daughters for tea. Notice the awesome building beside it. A blend of both modern and historic.

I always like to end my day with a treat. Can't think of anything better than a nice cuppa, a sweet treat, a great friend, and an old book.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frigid Day in Franklin County

Regardless of how cold it is (-10 at the start), it's always a treat to get out and about. So, all bundled up in 3 layers of clothes, plus jacket, hat, and gloves I head out the door for another day on the road. Grabbed my morning cuppa from the local Kwik Star in Janesville. This time the yummy sample is a mini cinni donut. Just the right size.

Decided I needed some fuel in the tank, so I popped the electronic lock only to find it was frozen shut. Back into the car to locate the ice scrapper....grrr, and chip away at the seam along the frame. By the time I fill up I am darn glad for all the layers.

First stop along the way is Greene, but as you can see there was no green to be had. Just a nice stop along the way.

Found this little hand carved gem. Looks like someone was able to see some art in an old tree stump.

Moving on I head towards Latimer which claims to be a progressive community. Nice little town. Stopped at the high school and chatted with the athletic director. Funny how high school kids all look so young.

Found this house which looked to express the pride in the town. Kinda country and folksy all rolled into one.

Now I am getting hungry. So the next town up the road is Hampton. And what do I see but a diner along the main road.

I honked and hollared but no one came out, so I was forced to continue on. Helps to speak your order into one of those electronic boxes, I guess.

Finished the day off with a nice Almond Roca from Olive Garden with my best girlfriend. It doesn't get any better than that.

Days on the road.

I thought it might be fun to share my day as I tootle along the highways of IA peddling my wares. Maybe to some all these little stops look the same, but my goal is to find something interesting in each town and have some fun along the way.

When you have a great boss like I do, it's pretty easy to get up and greet the day. I love to start my drive with a nice cuppa from the local Kwik Star. I take mine with half cinnamon coffee and half Pumpkin Pie Spice cappuccino. Even better yet when the Kwik Star has sample goodies cause those don't count when I'm counting calories.

First stop today was in Reinbeck. Pulled into the town and the first thing I notice is this pretty church with beautiful windows. It was one of those mornings where the sky is a brilliant blue.

Nice way to greet the good folks who stop in Reinbeck. And I suppose after church the folk might like to head downtown for some food and drink.

Next stop along the way was Traer. Again, what a treat. The downtown area looks like time stopped in the 50's. Love the spiral staircase.

Ut oh.....busted!!

On to Tama, but first a stop in Toledo. Umm, I am hungry and stop at my very favorite place. 'Big T' for a Maid-Rite. Who could resist? That's a loose meat sami for those of you who don't know. Nice little diner with a friendly waitress. Those samis are usually huge so I ordered a mini with fries and mayo. Served with a smile!

Sat next to a gentleman and chatted about what I was doing out in the parking lot. He was curious if I was 'texting' a secret message. Nope, I explained I was using my phone to take a picture of the diner.

Happen to pick up this interesting piece of literature while I was finishing my lunch. Notice how the town sheriff spent is day. Glad my boss doesn't want that kind of detail.

Now that my tummy is happy I get back in my car for another stop along the way. This time I am headed to Garwin. Never been there but looking forward to it.

Ut oh, how did I get here? Car must have been on auto. Oh well, what's another few hundred thousand.

Finally reach Garwin, but with just a little jingle in my pocket. Not quite 70 Prince St., NY,NY, but quaint nonetheless. Love the brickwork. And right next door to the library,too. Another favorite.

Nightcap, anyone?